Thursday, April 4, 2013

InfoGraphics - cure for Information Overload

As the volume of information increases, the time we have to assimilate knowledge from any one item decreases. To help counteract this effect, Information Designers have begun to utilize pictographs to more readily convey understanding. These pictographs have been dubbed InfoGraphics.
Infographics aid visual thinking

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"delivering the BIG PICTURE through managing the little details"
When you sit in a boardroom with Tim Foley, it becomes clear that he is a key contributor and valued advisor within the IT Security environment.  And, what may not be as readily apparent is a more personal side that compliments and adds depth to his management style.  Often using humor and real-life examples to illustrate a point, Tim brings an air of levity to an often dry and complex technical discussion.  Recently, when explaining the mortgage crisis of 2007 to a neighbor, he likened it to buying strawberries at Costco and created an entire scenario surrounding the process.  Afterwards, the neighbor remarked that although he had been trying to understand the mortgage crisis situation for some time, he had never truly understood it clearly until this discussion.  Being an avid reader, Tim brings a wealth of general knowledge into his discussions, making him an engaging conversationalist.